The Bidgee School

Building positive relationships

Telephone02 6925 4403

Cultural Diversity 2017

The Calendar for Cultural Diversity aims to foster intercultural understanding and community harmony.  The calendar identifies national and international days and events of cultural, linguistic and religious significance and features artwork created by students in Years K-12 NSW government schools.

Theme:  'Heritage'

Schools are invited to submit artwork for possible inclusion in the 2017 calendar which addresses the theme 'Heritage'

Year of the Rooster and the Emu

Each year, the Calendar for Cultural Diversity includes an inset on the relevant lunar year, and its Australian Zodiac equivalent, on the inside cover.  Schools are also welcome to submit student artwork depicting roosters and emus for possible inclusion in this feature.

Artwork Specifications:

Artwork should:

* reflect the theme

*relate to learning areas

* be A3/A2 size (for reproduction purposes)

*be the work of a single student or a group of students

Possible Media includes:

*drawing (inks, felt pens, charcoal, pastels, crayons), electronic (computer software, digital camera, scanner), mixed media (collage, photo montage), painting, photography and printmaking.

Submitting artwork

Schools may submit up to four entries. The following information should be attached to each artwork:-

*name of student/s


*title of artwork

*name of school

*name of teacher contact

*description which relates the work to the theme 'Heritage' (approx. 25-50 words)

Closing date:

12th August 2017

for more information phone:92445091